Consultation on Raglan’s Maui dolphin underway

Media Release: Ministry for Primary Industries, 24 September 2012

The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and Department of Conservation (DOC) are seeking public comment on a review of the Maui’s Dolphin Threat Management Plan (TMP).

The Government took action earlier this year to further protect Maui’s dolphins and ordered a scheduled review of the TMP be brought forward from 2013 to this year.

The Government is committed to using the best available information to manage the risk to Maui’s dolphins.

MPI’s Deputy Director General Resource Management and Programmes, Scott Gallacher, said, “The TMP review will consider all known human-induced threats to the dolphins, how we can mitigate these threats, and research priorities. Gaining better information is our key focus in order to ensure the right balance between utilisation and long-term sustainability.”

DOC’s Acting Deputy Director-General Science & Technical Group, Allan Ross, believes, “This is a great opportunity for the public to have a say on how we can work together to reduce impacts on the species.”

The public can make submissions on the TMP to the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) or the Department of Conservation (DOC) until 12 November.

MPI and DOC ran a formal risk assessment process with a group of scientific specialists in June, the results of which have been fed into the review of the TMP.

For more information, or to make a submission, visit or

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