Consent approved for new Kopua footbridge

Aerial view of route of proposed new Kopua footbridge

(Updated 17.10.10 with infromation from WDC) The Commissioner has accepted the Waikato District Council proposal to replace the Kopua footbridge.   The main condition is that the work shall only be done between 1 March and 30 November. WDC had proposed to do the work this summer as their consultants had said the present bridge would be unsafe after December.     (Note added 14th Oct.  See comment below from John Lawson-  It was WDC that had said bridge would be unsafe after December –  Consultants said it could still carry 4 people per sq. m) Richard Bax, GM Water and Facilities at WDC said on 15.10.10,  “We are meeting with HEB Structures the preferred tenderer next week to guage the impact. Can they build the new and demolish the old one in the time allowed? Are there any cost implications with a winter construction and the time delay to start?
Also we are checking with EW on the minimum height for navigation requirement for the temporary structure. We hope that this should only apply to the navigation channel but the condition is not clear on this.”

The report makes no comment on the effect of the new bridge on jumping, though evidence was heard that the Council recognised that it was an important amenity aspect of the bridge, yet had instructed the engineers to minimise it.

Appeals against the decision need to be made by 2 November.

3 thoughts on “Consent approved for new Kopua footbridge

  1. Is it true that the consultants said the bridge would be unsafe after December, or is it WDC’s spin on the report? The report said the bridge could still carry 4 people per square metre, though half its original strength.

  2. On Wednesday I asked Richard Bax of WDC, what the implications of the winter build decision are for Council. When he answers I will post his response.

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