Community Violence Meeting – 17th Oct

 A meeting is being held on 17th October at 1pm at the Raglan Town Hall to discuss the issue of violence in our community. As we hope to have a wide cross section of the community involved, we hope that you, or someone from your organisation, will be able to attend. The meeting is open to everyone in the community so please feel free to pass to your networks.
See draft Agenda below. We are still finalising the speakers who will each give a 5 min overview of their perspective or any insights into community violence that they can provide.
The main focus of the meeting is to start generating discussion and raising awareness of violence in our community and to identify some strategies that the community would like to see happen.
The Community House is happy to “drive” the bus so to speak but we need a map and direction from the wider community. We need to have some key people/groups on board to provide that direction so hope that you may be either be able to provide a representative to be on the Steering Group or provide a contact person who can relay information and comment between the Steering group and your organisation. I do not envisage that the members of that Steering group will have to do a lot of work but they will need to be prepared to come to meetings (prob once a month) and provide the necessary community oversight and direction. They will also be able to act as a conduit for info between their organisation and the Community House. Very similar to the way in which the Suicide Awareness and Prevention Group has operated.
Would be grateful if you can advise whether you or a rep from your group will be able to attend the meeting.
Chrissy Hodkinson
Raglan Community House
45 Bow Street
P.O.Box 171
Phone: 07-825-8142
Fax: 07-8257112

  • Open meeting – Karakia/blessing/acknowledgment of Kaupapa
  • Welcome & introduction to topic Chrissy Hodkinson, Raglan Community House
  • Key information/Insights
  • Councillor Clint Baddeley
  • Nature and effects of family violence in our community (Toyah Forrest-Mawson, Family Violence Coordinator, Huntly)
  • Raglan Health Services (West Coast Health and Te Kohao Health)
  • The Education Environment, Raglan Area School (Malcolm Cox)
  • Strengthening Families Coordinator (Maria Tamati)
  • Work and Income Integrated Services Coordinator (Jan Waitere) TBC
  • It’s Not OK Campaign and community initiatives elsewhere (Sheryl Han, MSD)
  • Identification of current community initiatives and possible actions (Chrissy Hodkinson) then break into working groups to identify “Issues and Solutions”
  • Identification of Steering Committee
  • Next steps and affirming community strengths
  • Close meeting
  •  Refreshments / Networking

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