Community Organisation Grants Scheme holding public meeting in Raglan

Tënä Koutou Katoa, Talofa Lava, greetings to you all!

Each year, 37 COGS committees throughout New Zealand, served entirely by volunteers, allocate $14 million (GST exclusive) to more than 3,400 community organisations.

The Waikato West COGS Local Distribution Committee is holding a public meeting on 16 April, 10am-12pm, at the Raglan Community House, 45 Bow St.

Representatives of community organisations are invited to meet the people who make funding decisions at the local COGS public meeting.

COGS (Community Organisation Grants Scheme) public meetings are an opportunity for community groups to:

– network with one another

– discuss local needs

– recommend funding priorities for this year

– learn more about COGS Funding

The Local COGS Committee will present a report on the COGS funds distributed in 2009.

At the meeting you can:

  • have a say about your community funding needs and priorities
  • hear a report from the LDC on the 2009 funding decisions
  • find out more about COGS funding.

Each group that receives COGS funding will be required to complete an Accountability Report, when the grant has been fully spent, or 12 months after the grant has been approved, or within 10 working days of applying for another COGS grant, whichever is soonest.

These reports can be completed online at and a signed copy forwarded to your Local Government & Community Branch (LG&C) office.  Alternatively you can contact your local LG&C office for a paper form.

For further information contact the cordinator for the Waikato West committee:

  • Norman Apirana
  • Phone 0800 824 824

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