the permanent closure of Raglan Airfield
as an alternative to building a fence.
Raglan Community Board has requested the Waikato District Council in Ngaruawahia to look at the permanent closure of Raglan airfield as an alternative to building a fence around it. Raglan locals say that all the indications from WDC staff are that RCB will be ignored again.
At the meeting of Raglan Community Board held by video conference on Wednesday 27th October the following motion was passed.
Moved Chris Rayner/Satnam Bains
THAT the Raglan Community Board:
a) is opposed to the building of a fence on the Raglan Aerodrome and requests the Waikato District Council suspend all work in relation to any fence; and
b) supports the remaining health and safety improvements to the Raglan Aerodrome as outlined in the Mike Haines report (name and date)
c) Council considers the permanent closure of the airfield as an alternative to building a fence.
Dennis against, Cr Thomson abstained.
The full three hour Board meeting is available on YouTube:
Closing Raglan Airport would be a very short sighted option. The airport is an important part of Raglan and if properly managed can be used by all parties in harmony. Don’t fall prey to a few selfish individuals.