Out of a total eligible population of 6759 people in Whāingaroa there are 923 people still to have their first Covid dot. Data released by the Ministry of Health on Wednesday 29th Dec. shows progress only at the decimal point level in terms of percentages. 86.3% have had their first dot and 82.8% have had their second dot.
Vaccination numbers released on Wednesday (29/12) show that Whāingaroa continues to make slow vaccination progress. The uptake of Covid vaccination for Raglan is up 3 to 2614 first dose, Around Raglan up 9 to 1982 first dose and Te Akau flat at on 1241 placing it just over the 90% milestone. Second dose vaccinations are even lower with Raglan on 2501 2nd dose, Around Raglan on 1898 2nd dose and Te Akau 1198 putting it on 88%.
To achieve the 90% vaccination milestone, Whāingaroa needs another 486 people to have their second dose.
Covid Vaccinations are available over the holiday period at Papahua Domain, in the reserve just across Marine Parade from Jo’s Takeaways (61 Marine Parade). Open Dec 31 and then from Jan 2 to 7, 9am to 1.30pm. 1st, 2nd and booster available.
Overall the Waikato DHB region has reached the 90% fully vaccinated milestone.
There were 28 new cases in the Waikato overnight 29th/ 30th Dec with 24 in Te Kūiti, two in Te Awamutu, one in Ōtorohanga, and one pending location confirmation.
Of these cases, 27 have been linked to previous cases with one remaining under investigation. The majority of Te Kūiti cases have been linked to two exposure events with attendees identified as contacts by public health and notified prior to testing positive.
There were 1029 tests processed in the Waikato On Wednesday 29th and 620 vaccinations delivered.
In the Waikato, public health, primary care and manaaki providers are supporting 63 cases to isolate at home.
Testing and vaccination is available at Raglan Medical (Closed Public Holidays). Monday to Friday by making an appointment on (07) 825 0114.
Detailed vaccination progress for Raglan Whāingaroa: