“The Organic Line” drawings by Julian Godfery and Ceramics by Merren Goodison
About the show:
Works on paper by Julian Godfery continue to develop his love of dense pattern and mark-making into freer, more lyrical works in watercolour and ink. Merren Goodison’s ceramics compliment Julian’s style with organic ovoid clay forms decorated with intricate pattern.
“The Organic Line” drawings by Julian Godfery and Ceramics by Merren Goodison
9 April to 5 May 2011
Preview Saturday 9 April 2011, 11am
Open Mon-Fri 10am-2pm, Sat 11-1pm
The Combined Artists Gallery is an artist-run-space operating alongside three resident artists studios.
Location: Combined Artist Studios & Gallery, 11 Bankart Street, Raglan.
Curator: Amanda Watson
Mobile: .
Email: amandawatson@clear.net.nz
Gallery website: www.artistsgallery.co.nz