Classic Cars line the streets

Classic cars line Raglan's Bow Street

As the rain cleared and the sun emerged droves of people turned up to watch classic cars that lined Raglan’s main street and adjacent streets. Many visitors started their day in a cafe before moving on to inspect the cars and check under their bonnets. Stilt walkers entertained and there was a bouncy castle for the kids. And then the bands started up to provide music throughout the day.

Unflappable Linda Cole hard at work coordinating the Classic Cars event

One thought on “Classic Cars line the streets”

  1. Hi Guys & Gals

    We all had a fantastic day and even went home with a prize.
    Many thanks to you all, what a great event and day had by many.
    hope you have more.
    Rowan & Chris Maru (1969 Ford Mustang)

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