Chairperson Linda Mellsop (Cole) resigns from Raglan Community Board

Chairperson Linda Mellsop (Cole) has resigned from the Raglan Community Board. Maria Edgar, Electoral Officer for the Waikato District Council, has confirmed that she received notification from our Chief Executive on Monday 16th February that Linda Cole was resigning as Chair of the Raglan Community Board, which has triggered a by-election to fill the vacancy for the Raglan Community Board. The word on Bow St is that another member of the Raglan Community Board may be resigning soon.

Nominations for anybody wanting to stand for the Raglan Board will open on Thursday 19 February 2015 and close on Thursday 19 March 2015.

For the by-election, should more than one candidate be nominated, voting documents will be sent to all eligible electors, by post, from Thursday 23 April 2015. The voting period is three weeks (Thursday 23 April 2015 to noon Friday 15 May 2015). Electors may post their completed
voting documents back to the electoral officer using the pre-paid envelope sent with their voting document.

A similar election just completed in Onewhero-Tuakau saw three people stand for the Board for one vacancy. Only 27% of voters making the effort to vote. Bruce Cameron was elected with 58% of the 27% voting for him so he was elected with just a 16% vote. 

Alan Vink - current Deputy may seek the role of Board Chair. Image supplied
Alan Vink – current Deputy may seek the role of Board Chair. Image supplied

In March, the current Board members will have to vote in a new Chairperson. We’ve heard that it is likely that Deputy Chair Alan Vink will put his name forward to the current members to for a possible step up to the role of Chair. 

Back in January  we reported that on the 21st January two moving vans were at the Simon Road home of Raglan Community Board Chairperson, Linda Mellsop (formerly Linda Cole). We now have confirmation that Ms Mellsop and her husband have moved to Kawhia where they have purchased a home.

Ms Mellsop did not attend the February 10th meeting of the Raglan Community Board, nor did she give an apology for her absence. The meeting was a wipe out as a quorum was not achieved so a formal meeting could not be held.

Electoral Officer, Maria Edgar, has started the steps necessary for a by-election for FRIDAY 15 MAY 2015 to fill the vacancy.

  • Wednesday 18 February 2015 & Thursday 19 February 2015 Public notice of By-Election and Inspection of Electoral Roll [Sec 42, 52, LEA]
  • Thursday 19 February 2015 Nominations open. Roll open for inspection [Sec 42, LEA]
  • Thursday 19 March 2015 Nominations close (12 noon). Roll closes [Sec 42, LEA]
  • Wednesday 25 March 2015 & Thursday 26 March 2015 Public notice of Day of By-Election [Sec 65, LEA]
  • Thursday 23 April 2015 Delivery of voting documents
    Thursday 23 April -Friday 15 May 2015 Progressive roll scrutiny [Sec 83, LEA], Special voting period, Early processing
  • Thursday 14 May 2015 Appointment of scrutineers (by 12 noon) [Sec 68, LEA]
  • Friday 15 May 2015 By-Election Day [Sec 10, LEA] Voting closes 12 noon – counting commences [Sec 84, LEA] Preliminary results available as soon as practicable after close
    of voting [Sec 85, LEA] Official declaration [Sec 86, LEA]
  • Wednesday 20 May 2015 & Thursday 21 May 2015 Declaration/public notice of results [Sec 86, LEA]
  • by Thursday 16 July 2015 Return of election expenses & donations form [Sec 112A, LEA]

The official notice for the by-election follows: 


As a result of an extra-ordinary vacancy, under sections 52, 53 & 120 of the Local Electoral Act 2001, notice is given that on Friday 15 May 2015, a by-election will be held under the first past the post electoral system by postal vote for one member of the Raglan Community Board of the Waikato District Council.

Candidates must be nominated on a nomination paper obtainable from Thursday 19 February 2015:

  • from Waikato District Council:
  • Head Office, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia
  • Raglan Office, 7 Bow Street, Raglan
  • by phoning 0800 922 822
  • by accessing

Nominations of candidates must be in the hands of the electoral officer or an electoral official at the Waikato District Council Head Office, 15 Galileo Street, Ngaruawahia not later than noon
Thursday 19 March 2015.

Each nomination must be accompanied by a deposit of $200 GST inclusive (payable by cash, cheque or bank transfer).

A candidate may submit a photo and a candidate profile statement with their nomination paper for inclusion with the voting document being sent to electors. An attachment to the nomination
paper outlines rules and procedures governing candidate profile statements and photos.

The electoral roll to be used for this by-election closes on Thursday 19 March 2015 and can be inspected during normal business hours from Thursday 19 February 2015 at the above Council offices. Enrolment for inclusion on the Residential Electoral Roll is conducted through Enrolment Services of the Electoral Commission. Applications for enrolment should be made through your local post shop.

Enrolment for inclusion on the Ratepayers Electoral Roll is conducted through the electoral office of Waikato District Council. Applications for enrolment can be made on the prescribed form available from the above sources.

Following closure of the roll, the electoral officer may, on application of any person who is or claims to be entitled to be enrolled or any other person or otherwise, make any necessary corrections to the names, addresses, abbreviations, or marks appearing in the electoral roll.

Dated at Ngaruawahia, 16 February 2015
Maria Edgar
Electoral Officer
Waikato District Council

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