Waikato District Council wants your feedback on animal nuisance issues to help shape its new Keeping of Animals Bylaw. The Keeping of Animals Bylaw
Feb 21: Raglan Ramblers may have a mystery at Te Mata Farm
On the 21st February, Raglan Ramblers will revisit Te Mata farm. They say it is always something of a mystery tour, but there are
Feb 12 + 3 weeks: Road works – Raglan to Hamilton SH23
NZTA The trip to Hamilton from Raglan is set to be smoother than the left-hander at Manu Bay, with much needed night works getting
Feb 12: Whāingaroa Wharf project underway again
The western walkway improvement project at Whāingaroa Wharf will be back up and running from Monday 12 February. Work will continue until the end