Friends of Wainui news

Friends of Wainui were discussing signposting with a council engineer on 26 February, when a Downer truck arrived. None of us (WDC engineer included) knew why they were there, but discovered they were working on the bridge near the Gazebo, next to the pond and picnic area.
John Lawson said, “A fortnight later we found that the bridge was still closed and asked for how much longer?”.
Council’s Wainui Reserve Manager, Noel Barber, said, “Downers have been completing bridge maintenance to existing bridges throughout the district. There is a bridge within the Bush Park that requires total replacement due to the main structure failing. We are hoping to complete this bridge within this financial year (ending 30th June), if not, the bridge will be replaced in the new year.”
John said that this response suggests that the bridge will be closed for some time. He’s asked Raglan 23 to publicise the closure and mention that there’s an alternative route by following the stream to the right from the end of the concrete wheelchair path.
There’ll be another Friends of Wainui work morning from 9am on Monday. They’d welcome any new volunteers to help, or any offers to help with signposting to inform visitors to the park about the bridge closure and alternative routes.