Big crowd watches big parade at end of 2018

First prize went to the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade (Community Fire Safety)
First prize went to the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade (Community Fire Safety)

2018 saw a large number of entrants in the Raglan Community New Year’s Eve Parade in Bow Street. The parade with a 7pm start draws entrants from local businesses, organisations and whanau. There were thirty plus floats and 183 participants made this one a very big event. The Raglan New Year’s Eve Parade is organised by the Raglan Lions Club who fund it helped with a contribution to the prize money from the Raglan Community Board.

Jack and the Beanstalk by the Raglan Horticultural Society
Jack and the Beanstalk by the Raglan Horticultural Society

The Raglan Caledonian Pipe band led the parade. The normal pattern of twice round the Bow Street palms was followed with the parade first going up Bow St, round the palm outside the Town Hall and then down Bow Street down and around Bow Street till both directions were full, then it went round again.

Prize winners were:

  • Third prize went to the Raglan Horticultural Society (Jack and the Beanstalk)
  • Second prize went to the Raglan Junior Surf Club (Beach Safety)
  • First prize went to the Raglan Volunteer Fire Brigade (Community Fire Safety)

For the extra prizes the special prize went to Spirit Rides (Equestrian Vaulting) with the prizes for anything on wheels awarded to 1st to the 1907 Raglan City Fire Department, 2nd to OLD SKOOL RYDS (Low Riders) and third to Raglan Engineering (Batman Workshop).

Bob MacLeod, President Raglan Lions, said, “Thank you all for making this one a great event.”

Junior Surf - Beach Safety
Junior Surf – Beach Safety

Thank you Raglan Lions for organising this event, all the volunteers that make this the success that it is, the Raglan Pipe Band, Raglan Community Board for the prize Money and all the watchers and visitors that lined the street. Have a happy New Year.

Raglan Lions and the Raglan Caledonian Band lead the parade
Raglan Lions and the Raglan Caledonian Band lead the parade



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