Bankart St goes business- new bakery opens

The new Dolci Bakery in Bankart St
The new Dolci Bakery in Bankart St

Raglandic business operators aren’t waiting for WDC’s changes to the Raglan central business area planning rules to come into force. While the Council has been working through what it calls Plan Change 14, new businesses have been opening up in Bankart Street in advance of the paperwork.

The house at 10 Bankart St has been turned into business centre with retailers at the front. The Cyclery has been operating there for some time. A woman’s clothing shop and an Italian style bakery have just opened. The Dolci Bakery is already making Italian style bread, cakes, pastries and pizza. (Dolci is Italian for confectionery, candy or pastry.)

It seems that by the time the proposal comes into effect it will be simply catching up with what is already happening in Bankart Street.

The Bankart St business overlay
The Bankart St business overlay

Vishal Ramduny, Planning Manager at the Council says that the Raglan business zone overlay on Bankart Street is part of Plan Change 14 (Raglan Rezoning).  Staff drafted rules to protect the amenity values of the residential zone behind the proposed business zone extension (i.e. alongside Stewart and Gilmore streets).

The plan change was finalised before Christmas and notified 18th December. Due to the Christmas – New Year holidays the submission period has been extended to the 29th February.  Council staff also prepared the section 32 report on the proposal. The notification has been approved by the Councillors. You can make a submission on the changes by downloading this form or picking one up from the Raglan council office.

Mr Ramduny added, “The other key aspect of PC 14 is the rezoning of the consented light industrial lots if the Nau Mai Business Park.  You will be aware that, based on the findings of the Property Economics Report, Council has resolved  to progress PC14 to include the rezoning of the consented light industrial lots to Industrial Zone.  Letters have been sent out to the landowners adjacent to the business park advising them of Council’s decision to include the rezoning into the plan change and offering them the opportunity to discuss this with staff if they so wish.  The public, of course, has an opportunity to make submissions on the Plan Change now it has been notified. ”


One thought on “Bankart St goes business- new bakery opens

  1. Does this mean the amenity values of those still living on Bankart St don’t matter? “Staff drafted rules to protect the amenity values of the residential zone behind the proposed business zone extension (i.e. alongside Stewart and Gilmore streets)”

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