WDC news The greatly anticipated Whaaingaroa / Raglan Wharf Western Walkway is now open to the public. The walkway was officially opened today, Friday
Author: A Contributor
Rebuild of path from jetty to footbridge
WDC News Following on from the Sea Wall repairs late last year, contractors will be onsite from 29th April as Watercare replace the water
From Apr 29: 3 weeks Stop/Go – SH23 at Greenslade Rd Raglan
Waka Kotahi news New Zealand Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) advises that from Monday 29 April, 2024 there will be three weeks of daytime
Current bus fares stay for Raglan till July
Waikato Regional Council holds off public transport fare increases until July Government subsidies for age-based public transport fares end on 30 April but Waikato