WRC news An iron ore mining company operating at Taharoa, on Waikato’s west coast, has been convicted and fined in the Hamilton District Court
Author: A Contributor
Raglan Refill open from Mar 10
Exciting news! Raglan’s newest package-free grocery store, Raglan Refill, is set to officially open its doors on Monday, 10th March. Store manager Eloise Deller
Feb 24: Southern walkway to footbridge closed
Cr Lisa Thomson Community Notice Putoetoe Walkway (southern walkway from the old coastguard building to the foot bridge) repairs and safety improvements is closed.
Mar 9-13: Roadworks on SH23 closed at night
Fulton Hogan news As part of the 2024/25 summer renewals programme, Fulton Hogan Waikato will be undertaking road resurfacing on the Raglan to Hamilton