Aussie battles Raglan bar

The Raglan bar turned out to be a bit too tough for Aussie ocean kayaker Gynes Ramsbottom-Isherwood. While trying to get through the Raglan bar the swell capsized his kayak. After pausing to recover a little he made for the beach rather than trying to get through the bar. Gynes started paddling around the North Island on the 28th November 2009 heading South from Auckland and so far has paddled nearly 2000km.  When the swell subsides he’ll be continuing his voyage heading North up the coast from Raglan.

He’s had all sorts of adventures including an encounter with a seal.   As a record his voyage he’s been taking video clips and posting them on a blog and YouTube. Here’s one clip of his capsize and time at the Raglan bar holding onto his kayak:

Link to Gynes blog.

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