Aug 5: Raglan Community Board meeting

This summary of the Raglan Community Board agenda prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Inc. , 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

The next Board meeting is Wed 5 Aug at 1.30pm in the Supper Room. The public forum will be part of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. You can also contact the Community Board members:- Bob MacLeodChris RaynerDennis AmooreGabrielle ParsonLisa ThomsonSatnam Bains and Tony Oosten.Places for People consultation on pedestrianising Bow St continues on Sun 2 Aug 11-2 in the Supper Room. A workshop is planned for later this month – tell a Board member if you’re interested.Wednesday’s agenda includes – 

  1. Places for people Co funding contract signed July [not attached to agenda] . . .. will consist of several phases with key to get the community to partake in creating a more people friendly space in the main street . . The project team is: Adrian Morton (Urban Designer and Landscape Architect), Sam McGlennon (Raglan resident), Dennis Amoore (RCB), Chris Rayner (RCB), Lisa Thomson (Raglan Ward Councillor), Taruke Thomson (Ngati Mahanga/Raglan Naturally), Charlie Young (Raglan Business Chamber), Karamea Puriri (Raglan Naturally), Janette Underwood (WDC Traffic and Road Safety Engineer). The timetable is –

1. Consultation to explain the concept [see 2nd para above]

2. Workshops with the community, community groups and the youth of Raglan and surrounding areas.

3. Design phase

4. Further community workshop to gather feedback on the design

5. Communication of the final design to community

6. Gathering of volunteers, volunteer groups to assist in the installation

7. Procurement

8. Planning of components of the design

9. Delivery

10. Installation – Project Complete Mid November 2020

  1. RCB 90 Day Plan projects that we are focusing on over the next 90 days:

• Raglan Wharf Project

• Places for People – He Whenua He Tangata Project

• Wasterwater Consent Renewal [see youtube video of 27 July meeting]

• Raglan Information Centre – [“volunteers for now”.]

• Freedom Camping Review [consultation from July 2021 at the earliest. . . To move the bylaw review earlier would require Council re-prioritisation.” !]

• Reserves Management Plan Review and Submission

• LTP Planning

• Creating a RCB Website – coming soon! [to link in with the Communications team if reproducing Council material online.”]

• Connecting with the Hall Committees [Hall Committees to speak at meeting]

• Connecting with the Marae Committees

• Regular updates to community in the Raglan Chronicle.

  1.  Climate Response report “Staff to give a verbal update”.
  2. Coastal Reserves Committee – “Staff representative for the Coastal Reserves Committee confirmed that this committee was dissolved in December 2019. No minutes for 2020 are available as a result of an absence of meetings.” The Terms of Reference say, “The Council may amend these terms of reference, provided that prior consultation has been undertaken with Raglan Coastal Reserves Advisory Committee.” It seems the Committee hadn’t previously even been told it was dissolved, nor had the Community Board, as its 19 Feb 2020 meeting, resolved “Mr Amoore be appointed as the Community Board representative on the Raglan Coastal Reserves Committee”!
  3. Soundsplash tickets now on sale, though no Raglan committee has approved the event. Report shows charges made by other councils and says “Councillors and staff to determine what these charges may look like for future events.
  4.  Wharf Provincial Growth Fund report on Raglan Harbour matters will be presented at the 16 September 2020 meeting”. Last meeting was told Harbour Board lease information to be given to August meeting! “A general update will go out to the wider community. This will include an invitation to join these workshops” – Mon 3 Aug, 1:30pm PontoonWed 12 Aug, 9am Walkway/Access/Safety (in Supper Room). 
  5.  Manu Bay toilets “Watercare have checked the infrastructure which includes the submersible pump and chamber and all is okay. Pumped out tank of all solid waste and the system appears to be working okay at present. Staff are monitoring odourissues.”
  6. Manu Bay tree planting – “will eventually (10-50 years’ time) compromise the views from the lookout on Wainui Road. Staff can make some species selections to avoid blocking the views, however, this would be a short-term fix and may affect the wider re-vegetation project outcomes. Board to re-confirm their support considering this information.
  7. Gilmour St – “Beca have supplied the stormwater parameters and design for inclusion within the overall project, this requires final verification that the stormwater features fit within the site constraints. Once this has been determined, Beca will produce the final stormwater details and drawings for inclusion with the construction drawings. Once the overall design has been sufficiently progressed, discussions will be had with the stormwater liaison group, following this a final set of drawings will be shared with the residents. A date has not been set for construction; however, it is planned to be undertaken this summer. Staff are cognisant that summer is a busy season for Raglan, and the project will need to strike a balance between fair weather conditions (to keep costs to a minimum) and disruption to visitors and residents.”
  8. Whale Bay Parking June minutes say, “Issues with freedom camping at Calvert Road near Whale Bay had been reduced due to working with Council staff and putting ‘no parking’ signs in place.” It’s likely to be further discussed, though not yet on the agenda.
  9. Holiday Park Verbal update from Community Board representative” (Bob appointed).
  10. Manu Bay Breakwater – To be circulated to the Community Board” – as with footpaths at last meeting, not yet on website.
  11. Footpaths – maps shown to the last RCB are now here and herecamp entrance to footbridge – as last month “discussions will continue to refine the proposed alignment.”
  12. Wainui Rd footbridge (near sewage ponds) rebuild was to be Feb/March, but “reviewing the consenting and preparing to procure a contractor”.
  13. Cliff Street Jetty – “The replacement brackets being designed by Frame Group Ltd were not forthcoming due to post-Covid demands, and an alternative design is being developed with PipeScape, to be manufactured by Taupiri Engineering..”
  14. Discretionary fund has $7,002. The next funding application closes on 2 Oct. Institute of Awesome want 2 defibrillators for $4,452 and Old School want $7,000.50 for Creative Space building plastering.
  15. Year to Date Service Request Report to 30 June – Overall 92.63% was up from 86.62% success rate to Dec, but 2 of 16 Wastewater Pump Alarms, both Urgent Public Toilet Issues and 1 of 2 Dogs Aggression cases not dealt with on time.
  16. Councillors Report includes [no details in agenda]- Football ground drainage, RallyNZ, Solid Waste [see Infrastructure agenda], Long Term Plan, Walking Access NZ Strategic Plan, dog & horse issues, Wainui Rd footpath at Poihakena, Community Response Plan
  17.  Raglan Naturally – draft Trust Deed in agenda.

The RCB agenda misses out items in these agendas –

Watercare Thu 23/7 –

Raglan Water Treatment Plant suffered multiple comms failures during the month.

Streamline Environmental have now completed the CCTV cleaning and jetting of sewage pipes. However, an overflow at 31C Government Road on 15 June, due to roots in the manhole, spilled into an open drain to wetlands and the Harbour. A call at 6.37 pm reported raw sewage flowing from the manhole. The estimated overflow was under 5m³. The roots were removed and the line cleared of residual debris. Unfortunately, as a result of this event, the Raglan Harbour required closure for a period of 10 days.

WRC Transport Committee Agenda Monday, 27 July

A rapid and frequent public transport service between Hamilton and Cambridge, Hamilton and Te Awamutu and Hamilton to Huntly- a business case for the Waipa public transport network review is now completed with minor service improvements due to be implemented later this year. A network-wide improvement is expected to be delivered in 2021/22 as a part of the contract retendering.

Other issues missing from the agenda are footpaths (other than Papahua), Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, Affordable Housing, Representation Review (STV review by 12 Sep, Māori wards by 23 Nov and RCB boundary in March), consultation with WDC on extra buses for Whatawhata, James St and Museum bus stops and shelters (the shelter on Main Rd has now been removed), Rangitahi, Hills Rd water tower, glyphosate, volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, weedbusters, etc. Should WED be taking up these or other issues?



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