This summary of the agenda for the Raglan Community Board agenda was prepared by John Lawson, Secretary of
Whāingaroa Environmental Defence Inc., 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email
The next Board meeting is Wed 4 August at 1.30pm in the Supper Room. The public forum will be part of the formal meeting, giving the usual opportunity to discuss issues. You can also contact the Community Board members:- Bob MacLeod, Chris Rayner, Dennis Amoore, Gabrielle Parson, Lisa Thomson, Satnam Bains and Tony Oosten.
Wednesday’s agenda has less missing information than the last one, but I’ve still highlighted them in orange. The agenda includes –
- Coastal Reserves [see also below]RCB met with WDC staff – “oversight was previously held by the Raglan Coastal Reserves Committee. . . agreed on:
- WDC staff to provide RCB with a summary of operational, maintenance and capital works proposed in Raglan the new LTP for 2021/22.
- Within the next few months. – WDC / RCB to confirm the criteria used to trigger engagement (e.g. changes to LOS, multiple stakeholder involved, high community interest, contentious issues where careful / united messaging is required, significant capital projects on the reserves, during the development of strategies / policies.
- aiming for Sept/Oct RCB meeting – WDC to provide RCB with a 6 monthly summary/ update of event bookings received/ expected. . . WDC agrees to engage with RCB whenever significant event bookings are received (e.g. large events, lots of people, contentious events etc) to seek RCB’s view before the booking is approved / refused
- WDC and RCB to consider how ‘big picture’ strategic thinking for Raglan can be done/fitted into current initiatives / frameworks. . . RCB to organise a yearly stakeholder/user group meeting”.
- RCB to finalise a stakeholder list[no detail how] and share it with WDC .
- Raglan Community Energy Project verbal report – [also Tue 3 Aug 51 Cliff St 8pm WED/Xtreme on solar array – come along]
- Representation Review Consultation is open until Fri 20 Aug. RCB will hold an informal public workshop at 5.30pm on Wednesday in the Town Hall [a chance to find out why Glen Massey isn’t being put in the proposed Kirikiroa Ward, to even up numbers (91%/107% of average) better with Whaaingaroa Ward].
- Wharf – Pontoon [design still not in agenda] – “Tenders are presently being evaluated by a team of three including Marine engineer (BECA), Project Manager and WDC Maintenance and Contracts Manager.” Walkway/hand rail [design still not in agenda] “BECA and Babbage. These are presently being evaluated and presentations from both tenderers expected week 26th July”. Harbour Infrastructure Study – “Study will consist of five stages
- Information gathering with community board, stake holders, mana whenua & LTP
- Community consultation • Feedback to all parties and community
- Preparation of draft strategy and circulation to get feed back • Finalise strategy and present and identify implementation measures – Expect a meeting [not clear if public meeting] to be called to discuss the next stage of this with PCG and Beca in next four weeks”
- Harbour Board Leases “This will be a separate agenda item at the Community Board’s meeting on 15 Sep. projects scheduled to be carried out during the next twelve months are:
- Raglan Wharf Structural Repairs
- Raglan Wharf Pontoons and walkways
- Raglan Walkway from the jetty to the Coastguard building.”
- Greenslade Road Neighbourhood Park “Under construction, concrete sections fully complete, awaiting elevated boardwalk – due second week of august, is being delivered partly complete and will be lifted into position on site. Community planting day is proposed, awaiting timetable from WDA”.
- Soundsplash – “We do not currently have access to the data needed to provide the requested report. The expectations around medical support to the event is being reviewed as part of the new 2022 event process. This is being done in collaboration with the St John District Operations Manager. The NZ Police are always heavily involved, and present in the lead up and duration of the event. Medical and Police reporting can be included in the 2022 report provided by Council to the Raglan Community Board.”
- Local bus – Tender in August and timetabling by second week of May is now, “Awaiting Waka Kotahi funding approvals – due end of August. Bus service is in early planning stage, need to arrange working group meeting – Community board to confirm a date in the next 4-8 weeks.”
- Closure of path across the airfield – aviation consultant will visit next week.
- Papahua Footpath – WDC and RCB met 29 June. “The Projects Contract Engineer explained the reasoning to go behind [toilet block and camper dump station] which was accepted. The path location immediately east of the camp entranceway and the reduction of parking capacity in the triangle at the peaks of summer was discussed with Dennis, who took a copy of the design to talk over with the Raglan Sport Fishing Club (RSFC). It is understood the RSFC is happy with the path and any extra metres we can gain from moving the path slightly closer to the fence. . . the domestic tourist market now keeping the campground busy year-round, and the soccer season running through to October but then the busy summer tourist period begins. However, the contractors will make every effort to minimise the disruption and the completed path network will be a great addition to the area. . . Stage 2 design is complete and with Waikato District Alliance for pricing. Works is expected to get on Stage 2 in early July. . . Expectation that staff would make changes and contact Soccer Club and Fishing Club regarding design. UPDATE JULY: Currently under investigation by WDC projects team”.
- Park Dr/Long St crossing “improve for safety . . .. planning stage”.
- Rose St parking “No available resources at present”.
- Places for People – Bow St parklets and road art evaluation forms on RCB website. “New speed limits in place have made a significant difference to the overall speed environment. . .. looking into adding another mobility space near the launderette on Wainui and improve the existing mobility space near Wylde on Wainui. . . If we wanted to progress the crossing at Orca corner, how would you suggest we do that? . . . planned to make additional angle parking changes on the town hall side and also opposite. UPDATE JULY: Awaiting funding from Waka Kotahi for any further works in Bow St, will have this information end of August”.
- Gilmour St “coming along with stormwater upgrade work including 400m+ of pipework installed, 6 manholes and 13 catchpits, full renewal the watermain network (600m of new watermain), footpaths, kerbs, swales and berm areas progressed, including application of matting, river stones, etc. . . Works on Gilmour Street are underway with early progress made by Waikato District Alliance who have achieved installation of key stormwater drainage components in preparation to complete the full urban road upgrade by end of July. A late request to renew the water services for the street has also been accommodated and is being installed concurrently to the original scope of works. Advanced stages of completion, at this stage second week of august” It doesn’t mention that is over a month late.
- Main Road, splitter islands “Councillor Thomson had met with the PTA. [still no detail] There was a need to get more people in road safety strategic planning.”
- Marine Parade/Wainui Road splitter island “not sufficient space to accommodate”.
- Signs for parking & Government Rd/ Bayview stop signs “On Hold pending funding provisions from Waka Kotahi”.
- Wainui Rd wooden footbridge scheduled to start second week of August.
- Service Requests – Apr-Junoverall 83.55% (better than previous quarterof 83.07%, but still below83.96% 89.59% and 92.63% before) dealt with on time. 4 of 7 major water leaks, 2 of 6 Wastewater Overflowsand 2 of 4 Environmental Health Complaintsweren’t dealt with on time.
- Manu Bay Breakwater –a third workshop is being organised.
- Sewage 27 July meeting on youTube – still investigating options.
- Raglan Naturally – verbal report.
- Councillor’ s Report – verbal
- Climate Response & Resilience Action Plan no change.
- Civil Defence Emergency Management no change.
- Waikato District Crime Prevention Technology Trust 2019 (CCTV) no change.
- Cliff St one-way and footpath “to be considered as part of the long-term planning” no date given
- Discretionary fund has $8,539. The Film Festival wants $3,260 and the museum $1,430 for a Rangitahi Peninsular Historical Photo Exhibition. Applications for the next round close on Friday 1 October.
These council decisions are not on RCB’s agenda –
Raglan Coastal Reserves Plan (from page 64)The Plan was approved last week. For almost every issue, including the controversial surf school contracts at Wainui Reserve, it says something close to ‘council can do what it likes, providing recreational values are protected’.
For example, on sewage it says, “A Wainui Reserve concept plan (Appendix E: Concept Plans) illustrates the proposed future development, and is subject to change through further feasibility investigations and target consultation with key stakeholders. Furthermore, detailed concept plans are able to be developed on discrete areas of the reserve (i.e. woodlots) which require stakeholder engagement and Council approval prior to works commencing. Council may investigate alternative landuse such as irrigation of highly treated, reclaimed wastewater, however alternative landuses shall not impact on recreational activities that align with the primary purpose of the reserve.” As to the 1996 Waikeri plan, it says WDC may negotiate changes
One of the few clear statements is about horses – “Equestrian activities are permitted on farmed areas of the reserve. Future developments are proposed to further facilitate this activity. Horse riding, including leading horses, is not permitted on the beach due to coastal erosion at beach access points, environmental impacts on kaimoana, and potential conflict with beach users.”
A new rule has been introduced that “Dogs are not permitted on the farmland areas of Wainui Reserve”. The bylaws say they are allowed in public places.
Despite cattle on Wainui Reserve being the 3rd highest carbon source for WDC, it is described as “sustainable farming practices”!! However, the Plan mentions “Promotion of zero waste and carbon neutral activities”, but has nothing else about its climate impact.
Papahua concept plan is discussed further on WED’s Facebook page.
WDC plan to change speed limits around all schools both rural and urban so that at school start and end times the speed limit will be 40km/h and school zones signage and delineation will be installed at all schools so there is consistency. In rural areas this will require the underlaying permanent speed limit to be reduced to 60km/h so that the speed step change is self-explaining and achievable.
It is also proposed to consult on a speed management plan . . . The proposed plan will include Huntly, Ngaruawahia, Meremere, and Te Kauwhata these communities have requested lower speeds [Did Raglan not request lower speeds?]
Other issues missing from the agenda are WRAP, Bay View Rd railing, phased rates increase as Raglan valuations will increase rates by about 14%, stormwater, Freedom Camping, Town Hall Warrant of Fitness, unsealed roading, Calvert Rd parking, Te Uku Recycling, Whāingaroa Catchment Management Plan, dog & horse issues, Hills Rd water tower, glyphosate, volunteer worker safety, Puriri Park, weedbusters, and Cliff St, Joyce Petchell and Puriri Park toilets to be wrapped with environment messaging. Should WED be taking up these or other issues?
Ngā mihi