Raglan Club may be on the move.

Aug 27: Raglan Club premises may be sold

Raglan Club may be on the move.

The Raglan Club premises at 22 Bow Street may be sold. Club members will consider a proposal to sell the current club buildings and land. The Raglan Club will be holding a special general meeting at 10am on Sunday 27th to vote on this.

Once the sale goes through, the Club proposes that it would build a new building on the Bowling Club site in Wallis Street. In an info sheet sent to its members last week, the Raglan Club President Colin Sullivan, says  that the Club already owns the Bowling Club site. And that as accommodation is only needed for 150 active members a new building could be built within two years on that site and also keep a ‘bowling surface”.

The info sheet supplied to members of the Club makes no mention that the Bowling Club land is zoned as Living Zone and subject to tough activity and noise restrictions. This means that an expensive resource consent would be needed before a new Club building could be built on the site. The Club would have to provide sufficient onsite parking for the 150 additional people who would be using the new premises on a regular basis.

Other alternatives proposed include keeping the present Bow Street site and developing retail premises on Bow Street or purchasing existing ‘state-of-the-art’ premises somewhere else in Raglan.

The original proposal to redevelop on the existing site with a supermarket underneath now seems to have been rejected.

Mr Sullivan is urging members of his Club to come to the meeting on August 27th and vote on the proposal.

5 thoughts on “Aug 27: Raglan Club premises may be sold”

  1. The proposal to build retail shops on the current site and use the lease money as income for the club seems to me to be the best all round decision for members,club finances and the greater good of the community and its development

  2. Raglan Club’s Future
    Dear Raglan Community and Club members.
    There has been a sudden announcement by the Club Executive to vote in favour of selling the Raglan Club to a major Supermarket brand.
    There has been very little information or alternative options been made available leaving Club members and the greater community in the dark
    Why not offer the members to vote on the following proposals?
    Concept 1:
    The Club outlines to it’s members a commerial building development involving a mix of retail and office spaces along it’s Bow Street frontage, concept drawings are available. The Club askes for members who are interested to invest money by secured debentures at a return of 3.5% obove current mortage rates or 8% whichever the higher. There has already been a strong interest for further shops and office space and potential tenants have registred their interest in writing. A building committee would need to be formed and a proper duediligence undertaken to assess the building costs, time frame and response of the Raglan community. A conservative estimate of this proposal in terms of benefit for the Club is:
    A rental revenue of around $ 200000 per annum with interest payment costs towards investing members of around $75000 leaving the Club with a financial surplus of about $ 125000 per annum.
    The down side of this proposal is:
    The Club undertakes the development and carries a certain risk, as any developer does, the gratification, say revenue of money is delayed until a completion of the project, some money needs to be spend first to set up a legal framework and additional management is needed to look after rental property.
    The upside is:
    The Club retains it’s property, does not have to leave it’s current site, can borrow monies from banks easier as it can show a steady rental income and gains a long term investment that will support financil shortfalls in it’s day to day trading
    The Club accepts an offer by a group of local developers to sell the Bow Street road frontage for up to $1000000( One Million) or $1000 per square meter. The developers grant access to the Club premises from Bow Street. The Club gives right of way via it’s Wallis Street entrance, allows for the development to start while the subdivision process is under way, the developers pay for all subdivision costs. The Club gives permission to demolish the covered entrance on the Bow Street side and relocate it’s entrance towards the Eastern side of the building. The Club agrees to let one of the outside smoker’s spaces to be demolished to allow courtyard and development space.
    The developers enter into a lease for the use of carparking with the Club during daytime hours to a value of up to $50000 per annum.
    The developers pay $250000 on acceptance of this proposal.
    The Club parts with a valuable part of its assets and loses some road frontage appeal
    The Club gets a healthy cash injection and money upfront and without delay to overcome current financial difficulties, additional funds can be used to upgrade the Club’s premises, undertake urgent repairs to the roof and kitchen ect..
    The developers warrant to consult their proposed development with the Raglan Community Board and work along side the Raglan Naurally Recommendations.
    Any potential riskfactors lie with the developers and not the Club.
    Concept 3:
    The Club takes a financially substancial offer from a community based organisation, in money figures aroud as much as concept 4. The Club vacates it’s site within an agreeable timeframe and relocates to a new location.
    The Club has to vacate it’s site and find new premises, a task not without challenges and rather unlikely to match what it is walking away from.
    A substantial amount of money to be invested into new Club rooms.
    The former Club premises will be used for a community based organisation that does a lot of good for it’s community.
    The Club goes ahead with the sale of the entire Club premise as decided by the former Executive Committee before the last AGM. The Club will be sold for around 3.9 Million Dollar plus a house on Cliff Street with a potential value of around 1.1Million Dollar. So the combined money value for the Club is around 5 Million Dollar. The buyer will allows the Club a certain time frame to continue operating from it’s current site, the buyer allows the Club to demolish the Club rooms at the end of that term and take with them and utelize what ever the Club sees fit. The intended future use of the Club site is the establishment of a major supermarket most likely under the “Frech Choice” Brand.
    The Club will loose it’s site at Bow Street, there is a great amount of uncertainty as to where the Club can successlully move to and replicate what it is leaving behind, the developer for the then vacant Bow Street site has not given any details yet as to how this development would take shape and has not indicated that they would want to stay within guidelines established by the Raglan Community Board and Raglan Naturally. This new Supermarket development has potentially negative effects on a large part of the Raglan Business Community,

    So here we go, MEMBERS, We all own this Club and we all have the right to be fully informed of all the possibilities that have been presented to the Executive Committee over the past few month. Over 100 of our members have signed a petition that was delivered to the Club on the 13th of August 2017 asking for a Special Geneal Meeting to allw an open and honest process when it comes to the future of our Club and to show open and transparent any proposal and or agreement that the Executive Committee has received and /or signed to date.

    Potential relocation venues for the new Raglan Club site are uncertain, both suggestions: the Orca and the Raglan Bowling grounds face difficult and lenghthly permit processes and might not be suitable at all. Unless permission to relocate to a new site has been granted in all aspects by local authorities a vote on the sale of the entire Raglan Club site should not even be presented to us Members!

    At this point members are not allowed to view the Sale and Purchase agreement that was signed by the Executive in favor of Concept 4, and yet members are expected and asked by the President of the Club to vote in favor of it at the meeting sheduled for the 27th of August.

    I have written this summary of concepts to the best of my knowledge and based on information that I have gathered over to past few month. There might be some errors in it, however they would be unintentional. As the Executive Committee is very secretive on the whole subject and keeps its members pretty much in the dark about it’s intentions and motives, this is about the best I can do.

    Andreas Broring, Club member for over 30 years, Raglan, the 16th of August 2017

    1. I think Andreas’ material is really the start of a considered approach to the what the club does. From the information provided it seems as though the Club Executive is being lured by big money, and perhaps is not doing its due diligence on options available. It needs to consider fully the realities of moving off the site (cost of finding and purchasing new premises and/or resource consent and building costs for the bowling club site (with car-parking issues too) versus some of the options Andreas has put forward.

      Either way, the future of this site is really important to Raglan, as it will determine the character and appearance of what Raglan will be in the future. I trust the Club Executive can engage in an open and honest community dialogue to achieve the best possible outcome!

      1. The material put out by the Raglan Club executive on their plans is muddled and impossible to understand. The expectation for a large community organisation is that they should have widely consulted their members and the community ona project of this nature. They should also undertaken a comprehensive feasibility study. They have done none of this. I am grateful that Andreas has written a summary that is understandable and has a firm foundation.

  3. Just read Colin Sullivan’s comments in the Chronicle. Fresh Choice is the shittiest of options re supermarket. Under the Aussie umbrella of Progressive Enterprises, I have never been in one that didn’t suck in regards to freshness of produce and good baking. We DON’T need a new supermarket that would take away from the small goods suppliers – Butchers, 2 bakeries, organic produce and items in two shops. Thoughtless, inconsiderate and makes me wonder if you have a financial agenda in a new big Australian supermarket.

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