On the 18th August the Raglan Ramblers walk has been changed to – Te Kaha Pt (Mussel Rock). There are seven kilometres of views over Raglan. Along the way there are limestone stacks, beach and 60metre high dunes (rich enough in iron to be considered for a steelworks in the 1960s). And if that’s not enough there are also lakes, streams, a cave and basalt rock, over an area that still has evidence that a population similar to Raglan’s once lived here. Low tide is about noon – please bring lunch and $10 boat fare.
There is no membership – the only cost is 10 cents per km to share travel costs. Details from John 825 7866. Check out Raglan Ramblers on Facebook-https://www.facebook.com/RaglanRamblers/. All walks start at 9am from the James St/ Wallis St corner near Catholic church.
Each “Rambler” accepts responsibility for any accident or injury received while travelling, or walking over private property. Be prepared – carry enough food, clothing, first aid kit for emergencies and preferably a mobile phone.