Apr 18: Rusty Players Orchestra

Rusty Players Orchestra is coming to Raglan and we’d love you to join in. Do you love making music but have no-one to play with? Been a long time since you played? Play one instrument well but still learning a second? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions then this is the orchestra for you!
Rusty Players are a bunch of orchestral musicians who are of approximately Grade 4 level that maybe a little ‘rusty’ on their instrument or are trying out a second instrument. We get together throughout the year for one-off events that follow a similar format that includes sectionals, full orchestra playthrough, and some social time. It’s a welcoming and supportive environment for adult musicians to enjoy playing classical and modern music together, not necessarily producing excellent concerts (although we think we are pretty awesome).
We will be meeting at the Raglan Town Hall Sunday 18th April from 11am to approximately 3pm. We will be providing a Fish n’ Chip lunch (cost included) – a treat for our hard work! The music is available to practice before the day. Links to this are provided once you have registered.
• Handel’s Water Music Suite No. 2
• Rod Stewart’s Sailing
• Khachaturian’s Adagio from Spartacus
Conductor : Catherine Polglase
Cost: $20

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