Approval given for subdivision of Raglan’s Rangitahi Peninsula

Public Notice: Waikato District Council, 26.09.15

Rangitahi Peninsula and Resource Consent LUC 0249/06: Private Plan Change 12

WDC logo colour on black_17kBThe Waikato District Council gives notice that the Independent Commissioners have made their decisions on submissions and further submissions received on Private Plan Change 12: Rangitahi Peninsula and Resource Consent LUC 0249/06 to construct the Opotoru Causeway by Raglan Land Company Limited.

Pursuant to Clause 10(5) of Schedule 1 to the Resource Management Act 1991 (Act), Plan Change 12: Rangitahi Peninsula is amended in accordance with the decisions from the date of this public notice.

All persons who made submissions or further submissions on Plan Change 12: Rangitahi Peninsula have been sent a notice of the decisions pursuant to Clause 11 of Schedule 1 to the Act.

All persons who made submissions and further submissions on Resource Consent LUC 0249/06 have been sent a notice of the decision pursuant to section 114(2)(a) of the Act.

The Decisions version of Private Plan Change 12: Ragitahi Peninsula and the decision on Resource Consent LUC 0249/06 will be available for public inspection at all Council offices and libraries from Monday 28 September 2013 and can also be viewed on Council’s website

This notice is given under Clause 10(4)(b) of Schedule 1to the Resource Management Act 1991 on 26 September 2015.
G J Ion

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