Waikato District Council news
ANZAC services will be held in eight townships across Waikato district on 25 April this year. Raglan’s service will be in Bow Street near the Raglan Cenotaph at 11am.
A Civic Service will be held in the Ngaruawahia War Memorial Hall at 11am.
Dawn services at 6am will be held at the Field of Remembrance in Ngaruawahia and at the Huntly Cenotaph, and at 6.15am at the Te Kauwhata War Memorial. Times and places for assembling for parades prior to these dawn services can be found on the Waikato District Council website (see below).
Other commemorative services will be held in:
- Gordonton (starting at the Gordonton Hall at 10am),
- Maramarua & Districts (assembling at the Red Fox car park at 8.45am to march to the War Memorial Monument, or in the Maramarua Hall if wet, for a service at 9am),
- Raglan (Raglan Cenotaph at 11am),
- Taupiri (assembling at Bob Byrne Park at 9.30am to march to the War Memorial Hall),
- Te Kauwhata (assembling outside Suits & Gumboots at 10.30am to march to College Hall for a service at 10.45am), and
- Tuakau (Tuakau Memorial Hall at 11am).
More details with regards all these events can be found on the Waikato District Council website at: www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz