90% of Raglan voters yet to vote

With voting underway in the local body elections, so far only 343 (10%) Raglan voters have returned their Waikato District voting forms. Huntly folk are leading so far with 15.7% of the papers returned. Waikato District in the past has had the lowest voter turnout in the country.

Media Release: Waikato District Council, 30.09.13

NgaruawahiaDaily voting figures available online

Waikato District Council has as at 30 September, received 4648 voting documents for the local elections. This is 11.03 per cent of all eligible voters in the Waikato district.

The Huntly (15.7 per cent) and Onewhero-Te Akau  (15 per cent) wards are so far recording the highest voting returns.

Daily voting figures and other election information can be found on the Council’s website at http://www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/Your-Council/Elections.aspx.

In the 2010 elections, the district’s voter turnout was 34 per cent, compared to 49 per cent across the country.

Voting papers need to be filled in and posted in time to reach the Electoral Officer at Council by 12 noon on election day Saturday 12 October 2013.

2 thoughts on “90% of Raglan voters yet to vote

  1. Maybe they’re all waiting for Clint’s answers to Raglan23’s questions? If politicians aren’t even accountable at election time, what can we do to get democracy back?

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