At the first meeting of the new Raglan Community Board on Tuesday 12th November, the members voted to move the start of future meetings of the Raglan Community Board to 6pm on the second Tuesday of each month with the community forum starting at 5.30pm. the first meeting at this new time will be on Tuesday 3rd December in the Town Hall Supper Room.
Although not on the published agenda, the Board decided to make a grant for the Christmas in the Park function to be held in the Raglan Recreational Reserve (Te Kopua Domain) on December 8th from 5pm. There was some discussion on whether money should be granted to events involving bands.
Mrs Linda Cole was elected as Chairperson of the Board with Mr Alan Vink as her Deputy. The contact details for the Board members are:
Linda Cole (Chair) lindacole@vodafone.co.nz
Alan Vink (Deputy) alan.vink@slingshot.co.nz
Bob Macleod 2louds@paradise.net.nz
Boyd Turongo Dixon 021 299 2203
Jon Taylor jet.electrical@hotmail.com
Matt Holl 825 8160
Clint Baddeley (Ward Councillor) clint.baddeley@waidc.govt.nz