2020 Raglan calendar on sale

The ‘Raglan Calendar 2020’ is now in Raglan Bookshop on Bow St, Whaingaroa Organic Kai in Electric Lane, Bow St Gallery and Raglan 4 Square. The price is still $15, as it was when the 2009 calendar started off the publication.

Cover for 2020 calendar

This year, a radically different design has been created by sponsors Raglan Coconut Yoghurt, expanded to 32 A4 pages and with much more space for the monthly calendars. Photos this year include surfing, landscapes and horseriding by local photographers Leonie Anholts & Aurélie Green, as well as some taken by Raglan Ramblers on their weekly walks.

As last year, profits are going to Kaiwhenua Organics Charitable Trust. Kaiwhenua has been helping people learn work skills and growing organic food for over a decade at their Whale Bay nursery. Their salads mainly go to The Shack and SuperValue and their book, ‘Kaiwhenua Organics – A Guide for Organic Growing’, is still on sale in several places and their TV appearance on Country Calendar can be found on-line.

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