The Minister for Primary Industries has recently made his decisions on the measures to manage fishing-related threats to the Maui’s dolphins on the West coast of the North Island (WCNI) as part of the review of the Maui’s dolphin portion of the Hector’s and Maui’s dolphin Threat Management Plan (TMP).
The TMP was originally developed in 2007 and that led to the introduction of a range of protection measures around New Zealand. This review process aimed to reassess management measures based on updated information on the Maui’s dolphin population, the human-induced threats they are exposed to, and their vulnerability to those threats.
The letter in which the Minister sets out the reasons for his decisions is available here
For more information about the TMP, the consultation and the decisions, go to:
MPI’s website at:
If you would like a hard copy of the documents to be sent to you, please contact Harriet Cotton (