1459 still to have a shot in and around Raglan

For Raglan, Super Saturday saw a 4% jump in the number vaccinated in the town. Data published by the Ministry of Health, as at midnight on the 19th October shows the big same big jump for areas in and around Raglan.

The data also shows the number of people still to have one shot as totalling 1459 (Raglan Town 647, Around Raglan 521, Te Akau 291). This total includes 393 Māori.

The detailed changes in these areas are:

One new Raglan Covid Case Overnight

Waikato DHB says that there were four new cases confirmed in Waikato overnight (19th to 20th). One was in Raglan, one in Hamilton and two in Te Awamutu. Two cases are in the Hamilton community isolation facility and have been linked to existing cases. Interviews with the two community cases are scheduled for today.

The region has a total of 56 cases.

Location of COVID-19 cases

Pop-up testing sites are operating today in Kihikihi (near Te Awamutu), Whatawhata, Te Awamutu, Raglan and Hamilton.

The low number of locations of interest in the Waikato throughout this resurgence indicates contact has largely been limited to between individuals and in private settings rather than in public spaces where there is a greater risk of community exposure.

Waikato continues to be under Alert Level 3 which further reduces the risk of public exposure events.

Public Health investigations into the new cases are continuing. Information on locations of interest is published on the Ministry of Health website as soon as it is available: https://www.health.govt.nz/locationsofinterest.

Total tests taken Tuesday 19 October: 3,829.

People can also get tested on appointment at GP practices across the region, including designated GP practices that take enrolled and non-enrolled patients. See Healthpoint for a full list of options.

It is important that our testing facilities are available for those priority individuals who meet the criteria for seeking a test at this time. This allows us to rapidly investigate whether there has been any community spread.

Anyone who has cold or flu-like symptoms, is following guidance relating to a location of interest or has been directed by Healthline or a GP should seek a test immediately.

Otherwise, people should call Healthline on 0800 358 5453 or their GP for guidance before seeking a test.

It is free to get a COVID-19 test, wherever you go.

COVID-19 testing centres

The availability of community testing centres is based on our assessment of demand and may change daily. Locations for community testing are updated in this advisory, on our website, on Healthpoint and on our Facebook page as soon as they are confirmed for the next day.

Te Awamutu

Te Awamutu Event Centre carpark, Gorst Avenue, Te Awamutu – Wednesday to Friday, 10am – 4.30pm


Kihikihi Domain, Gate 2 Speedway entrance, Dick Street, Kihikihi – Wednesday, 10am – 2pm


Te Papa o Rotu Marae, 145 Māori Point Road, Whatawhata – Wednesday, 12.30pm – 3.30pm


Raglan rugby grounds car park, Cross Street, Raglan – Wednesday to Friday, 10am – 1pm


Founders Theatre car park, Entrance off Norton Road – Daily 8am – 4pm

Claudelands Event Centre, Gate 3, Brooklyn Road – Daily 10am – 6pm

Te Kohao Health, 951 Wairere Drive, Hamilton East – Monday – Friday 10am – 4pm

GP practices

General practices across the Waikato are testing patients and designated GPs are testing non-patients also. See Healthpoint for a full list of GPs offering COVID-19 testing or call your GP to check. COVID-19 tests are free. Please ring first to make an appointment.

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