Driving and Flying to Raglan

This page covers driving to Raglan by car from Auckland or Hamilton as well as flying via Hamilton Airport or directly to Raglan Airfield.   Public transport options are on the Getting to Raglan page.  See our Campervan page. There is also a map page.

Driving to Raglan

You can drive to Raglan on SH 23. It takes about 30 minutes from Whatawhata along a scenic mountain road.  The Raglan map below shows the route along State Highway 23 to Raglan from SH 39 at Whatawhata. From Hamilton follow the SH23 signs from Dinsdale to Whatawhata and then to Raglan. Coming from Auckland take State Highway 1 south to Taupiri. Coming into Taupiri leave SH 1 and take Great South Road to Ngaruawahia (about 7km).   Drive through Ngaruawahia for another kilometre to just south of Ngaruawahia, then take the Raglan turnoff at the intersection just past a BP service station on the right.   The road from the Ngaruawahia BP is Highway 39 and the main sign says  Raglan and Otorohanga.   Follow the Otorohanga 39 signs until you get to Whatawhata.   Turn right at Whatawhata onto Highway 23 and follow the signs to Raglan. Coming from Auckland Airport, follow the signs that show you how to go south and join Highway 1 South at Manukau City. The travel time Auckland to Raglan is about 2 to 2 1/4 hours driving from the centre of Auckland to Raglan, depending mainly on the traffic conditions in Auckland.  From Auckland airport to Raglan takes about 2 hours.  Coming from Hamilton take SH 23. It takes about 45 minutes to drive from the centre of Hamilton to Raglan. You can pick up a rental car, rv or motor home at Auckland Airport, Auckland City, Hamilton Airport, and Hamilton City. See our Campervan page.

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 Flying to Raglan

Flying to Raglan via Hamilton airport from Wellington or Christchurch

Air New Zealand provides regular flights Wellington-Hamilton and Christchurch-Hamilton. Raglan Scenic Tours operates an on demand luxury chauffeur driven shuttle service serving Hamilton airport.  For further information see www.raglanscenictours.co.nz For bookings phone 07 823 2559, Freephone 0800 153 159, or Email raglanscenictours@yahoo.co.nz Between Raglan and Hamilton airport.

Flying to Raglan via Auckland airport

[ad#SpaceNZh] The airport with the most flights serving Raglan is Auckland Airport.  There are flights to and from international and New Zealand destinations.  It takes about two hours to drive from Auckland Airport to Raglan.  See route information above. Raglan Shuttle operates an on demand luxury chauffeur driven shuttle service serving Auckland airport.  For further information see  https://raglanshuttle.co.nz/ For bookings phone +64 7 825 8159 or 0800 825 8159, Mobile and TXT +64 27 825 8159, or Email bookings@raglanshuttle.co.nz  Between Raglan and Auckland airport. The charge is from $345.

Raglan Airfield

It is listed in the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP) for New Zealand as NZRA and operated by the Waikato District Council. You can download the Civil Aviation information here: NZRA. the airfield is located at S37º 48′ E174º 51′. Motel units at the adjacent motor camp and a short walk across the footbridge to cafes in the town make this a popular airfield for private flights from around the upper North Island.  There are swimming beaches near the airfield. The runway is 646 metres long and 60 metres wide. Raglan airfield with an elevation of 14 feet, by the beach, has two grass Runways, 05 and 23, with no slope and 646 metres distance for landing and takeoff. For the unwary or low-time pilot, Raglan aerodrome can present some interesting challenges because of the runway length and some visual illusions, especially landing to the west on Runway 23. Check out this article from Vector, published by the Civil Aviation Authority of NZ, on the_right_approach_to_Raglan_Airfield.  Since publication of this article, the grass is now mown to make the landing strip more visible. Also you’ll need to keep a watch out for rabbit holes and people walking across the airfield with dogs. The landing fee of $16.00 (23/24) automatically billed to the aircraft operator. Being close to the town, makes the Raglan airfield a popular lunchtime and early evening destination for flyers.

4 thoughts on “Driving and Flying to Raglan

  1. Your info regarding payment of landing fees is outdated. The camp store no longer takes payments. It is automatically billed to the aircraft operator.

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