Vegan potluck dinners hosted in Raglan by Loretta Westbrook and Ross Dixon

Loretta Westbrook and Ross Dixon - Raglan vegan potluck dinner hosts

People are invited to join us for a vegan potluck dinner . It just requires that you bring along a vegan dish to share and yourselves.

All ages are welcome, and if you are not sure what to bring just contact  me at 825 8695 or  For further details please contact Loretta( evenings)

The evenings are a lot of fun and are very informal.

They are held every second month on a Saturday night and start on time at 6.30pm. The first one for this year is on February 26th.

My husband Ross and myself  follow a vegan diet and are happy to support new vegans, give nutritional advice and recipes to those wishing to look more at this option.

I am a registered nurse and have a certificate in plant based nutrition based on Prof. Colin Campbell’s recommendations from “The China Study.’

I am currently studying to be a facilitator for the world peace diet based on Will Tuttle’s book ‘World Peace diet’.

I decided a couple of years ago that this was something that Raglan did not have and my motivation was initially to support the vegan and vegetarian culture here but it has evolved into an information and encouragement also for those who want to learn more about this philosophy of life.

2011 Dates:

Feb 26th

April 16th


Aug 20th

Oct 15th


all start at 6.30pm. All are Saturdays.

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