Raglan values up by 20% and general rate up by 11.9%

Waikato District Council has announced a 11.9% general rate revenue increase for the 2024/25 financial year.

The Council says that having heard community concerns about the proposed 13.75% general rate revenue increase in the draft Enhanced Annual Plan consultation, the Councillors were unanimous in finding ways to reduce it. So it was reduced from 13.75% to 11.9%.

If course the general rate is only one part of the rates bill. On top of the General Rate, there are:

  • Uniform Annual General Charge $462.55
  • Raglan Community Board per property $23.12
  • Raglan Food Waste Collection per dwelling $76.76
  • Raglan Community Facilities per rating unit $25.00
  • Raglan Recycling Collection per dwelling $159.01
  • District Wide Urban Stormwater per property $238.72
  • District Wide Water Supply per SUIP $403.58
  • District Wide Wastewater $1,372.24

And the Water Rates and the Regional rates.

The actual amount paid for the General Rate is based on property values. WDC says the latest rating valuations are now available online.

Find out how this increase affects your property: https://ow.ly/YTNa50SeZ9A

By going to this web page and typing in your address, you’ll find out how much you have to pay and the value of your property. It seems that the value of many Raglan properties is up by over 20%

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