Raglan Library opens a week late

Raglanites have been wondering why it too WDC tover a week to reopen Raglan Library. When the Covid level settings were reset to 3.2, Raglan Library could have reopened on 3rd November. However it took the council over a week to reopen Raglan and other Waikato Libraries.

Waikato District Council has advised:

Raglan Library is open Friday 12 November 10am-3pm

Raglan Library is open Friday 12 November 10am-3pm plus we will no longer charge overdue library fees and all existing overdue library fees have been waived!

Raglan Library Opening Hours: 10am – 3:00pm, Monday to Friday.

In line with many other local councils, we will temporarily be operating under reduced hours as we manage staffing logistics including continued border restrictions and awaiting the reopening of many schools in our region.
All of the latest information can be found on the Covid19 page on our website https://www.waikatodistrict.govt.nz/your-council/covid-19.

To help keep everyone safe, when you visit the Library we ask you please stick to the below health and safety measures:

· Everyone aged 12 and over must wear a mask/face covering

· Please scan or sign in at the entrance for contact tracing

· Always keep 2 metres away from others.

To stay up to date with everything happening in Council and around the Waikato District, please sign up to our mailing list by clicking here.https://mailchi.mp/waidc/subscribe-to-newsletter
If you have any questions, please email us at info@waidc.govt.nzinfo@waidc.govt.nz or give the team a call on 0800 492 452

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