Safety improvement works – SH23, Glen Tui to Te Uku

Fulton Hogan and Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency have advised:

Please be aware that minor safety improvement works commenced on Sunday 23 May on State Highway 23, between Glen Tui and Te Uku. The work will be underway for six weeks

Roadworks from Te Uku to Glentui

The minor safety improvements include the installation of rumble strips, better roadside signs and long-life line markings. No resealing is required for this work to be carried out. The work will consist of day and night works and will take six weeks to complete.

During the six week work period, there will also be some shoulder safety barriers installed along this route. This work will done during the day and expected to take three weeks and traffic management will be in place. A small amount of chip sealing work is required underneath the barrier.

This work is part of a programme to make regional state highways safer through a range of low-cost, high-benefit safety improvements.

Hours of work will be from 6am to 7pm for day work and 7pm to 6am for night work (this includes the installation and removal of traffic management). The work is weather dependent.

We apologise for the inconvenience this might cause.

Traffic management will be in place to keep our staff safe while working on the road. This may require a lane closure or Stop/Go..

Emergency services will be given priority access at all times through our work sites.

Please feel free to contact us directly should you have any concerns or wish to discuss the matter.


Glenys Farries
Senior Administrator

West Waikato North Network Outcomes Contract | Fulton Hogan Ltd | 19 Higgins Road, Frankton | PO Box 5503, Frankton, Hamilton, 3242, New Zealand | Phone +64 7 848 0747 

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