Raglan Residents & Ratepayers Assoc. AGM: 9.30 am Sat 30 March at the Raglan Fire Brigade rooms Wainui Road.
Raglan Residents & Ratepayers Assoc. hopes members of our community turn out to the AGM to help revive the Association after a 2 year recess.
With WDC’s blueprint coming up for discussion with our community now is a good time to have input to the talk around devolving projects and services to our local Community Board.
Like the “Raglan Naturally” group and the Business Roundtable, the Residents and Ratepayers Association can be another important mouthpiece for our collective voice.
With a local committee making decisions for local issues we could avoid things like spending $45,000 to put a bus stop in one of the windiest places in town with no shelter.
Worse still the bus didn’t fit and three engineers had to come to Raglan to fix it at the loss of six parking spaces.
Give your opinion at 9.30 am Sat 30 March at the Raglan Fire Brigade rooms Wainui Road