Mar 12: Community Board to look at roundabout for Greenslade Road

The next Board meeting is Tuesday 12 March at 2pm in the Town Hall Supper Room. The public forum starts at 1.30pm, giving an opportunity to discuss issues.

This summary of the Board’s agenda was prepared by the Whaingaroa Environmental Defence Inc., Secretary: John Lawson, 51 Cliff St, Raglan 07 825 7866 email

You can contact the Raglan Community Board members about items on the agenda. The members:- Alan Vink, Bob MacLeod, Gabrielle Parson, Lisa Thomson, PJ, Rangi Kereopa and Tony Oosten.

The agenda includes –

  1. Change of 1.65km of SH23 to a local road in June 2020 with a roundabout at Lorenzen Bay/Hills/rerouted Greenslade Rd junction and 80, 60 and 50kph limits and closure of current Greenslade Rd junction to achieve –

    • additional land to zone commercial, which was in the 2005 structure plan as road reserve.
    • future access onto main road for commercial zone.
    • cost savings of a roundabout in place of a large T junction.

The report makes no mention of extra travel time, the need for more commercial land (a Countdown?), whether any of the 100+ extra houses will be affordable, or the effects on pedestrians, cyclists, or pollution.

  1. Blueprint plan – open for consultation until 5pm Monday 8 April, with an open evening from 5pm at the library on Wed 20. Proposals include –

    • Discuss “limited devolution of certain Council projects or services to Community Boards”.

    • Support Raglan Naturally in their prioritised local initiatives such as local food production, energy self sufficiency, alternatives to weed spraying, GE free approaches and education regarding climate change.
    • Support a strong Maaori culture, including education on the Treaty of Waitangi, respecting tangata whenua, and creating Te Reo signage.
    • Support the Whaingaroa Raglan Affordability Project WRAP.
    • Support entities undertaking youth social initiatives.
    • Support the development of Wi Neera St ‘old surgery’ building as a community hub for locals, youth skills, cultural and environmental exchange.
    • Investigate the development of a recreation centre and bringing sports together.
    • Support initiatives by the tech and visitor sectors to address youth unemployment.
    • Consider a bed tax to compensate for increased waste and to support housing affordability.
    • Identify if, how much, and where, additional land for office development is needed beyond District Plan zoning.
    •                          ”        for retail
    • Extend walking and cycling network, including to Whale Bay.
    • Improve traffic safety around the school.
    • Develop a parking strategy.
    • High priority to “Secure an improved bus service for the entire Waikato District. . . consultation identified a strong desire within the local communities for an increased level of service. It is proposed that work be undertaken to ensure that the frequency and timetables allow members of the community to rely on the bus service for access to and from jobs.
    • Whatawhata – The intersection of SH39 and SH23 has been identified as being number 106 (out of 200) on NZTA’s high risk intersections.” No other mention of SH23.
    • Resolve waste water and water reticulation issues.
    • Investigate whether Harbour Board income is used locally.
  1. Manu Bay breakwater “An agreed action plan was confirmed through Mediation. Actions are now progressing. Breakwater wave monitoring has started. Inspection of the breakwaters performance during the King Tide has also been undertaken to assess the degree of overtopping and safety for boat users. The results of this will determine whether a resource consent is required. It has been agreed to revert to the Forum prior to any key remedial works.”

  2. Sewage – upgraded camper van blackwater dump station completed. Step screens to be completed by 30 June. Sewage spills – 29 this year, 3 in Nov, 4 in Dec, 2 of them not dealt with in allowed time. 1 of 3 alarms not dealt with in time.

  3. Water – replacement of Nihinihi & Tahuna Ave pipes to start in March.

  4. Toilet replacements – Ngarunui Beach “tender this month” is now “planning . . is well underway”.

  5. Mowing – “A Councillor Workshop is tentatively scheduled for 13 March.”

  6. Wi Neera St drain – completion “mid February”, now “15 March”.

  7. Iwi & Community Partnership Manager Sam Toka to talk about his new job.

  8. Proposed $79.29 Raglan Food Waste Targeted Rate “Governance Board undergoing due diligence.

  9. Parking – new schemes completed.

  10. Discretionary fund has $2,554. St John want $931 for ambulance traction splint and torches – in last year went to 482 calls, 31% urgent with 1 paid officer and 8 volunteers. Deadline for next fund applications in May.

Should WED be taking up these or other issues missing from the agenda, such as the missing Coastal Reserves 11 Feb minutes, providing a street cleaning update, Holiday Park stormwater, Coastal Hazard report, i-SITE tender, Wharf boardwalk, Hills Rd water tower, footpaths, cutting trees on reserves, glyphosate, Trails Strategy ($278,280 to be spent in 2018), volunteer worker safety, parking infringement money, harbour lease, coastguard lease, Puriri Park, cycleways, or land disposal of sewage?

Hope to see you on Tuesday


One thought on “Mar 12: Community Board to look at roundabout for Greenslade Road

  1. 153 new houses in this subdivision once completed. Hope they have factored in the additional wastewater and drinking water requirements of this development too.

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