Alternative put to Club executive on sale of property

Raglan Club Inc. has advised its members that a  special general meeting will be held on 10th December at 10am to consider three resolutions on sale of properties owned by the Club.

Special General Meeting

A Special General Meeting of the Raglan Club Inc. will be held in the clubrooms at 22/24 Bow Street, Raglan at 10 am Sunday December 10, 2017.

Resolutions proposed

1. Sell the property at 22-24 Bow Street and relocate.

2. Sell a portion of the property at 22-24 Bow Street and build a new clubroom on the current grassed garden bar area.

3. Sell half the Bowling Club, 21 James Street, and use the money to invest into improving the Club.

Better alternatives continue to be put to the Raglan Club Executive on solving the Club’s financial problems. Currently the club is locked into an exclusivity contract with Fresh Choice supermarket. This appears to be why the Club Executive are not considering alternative proposals.

The most recent alternative was in a letter sent by Surfside Church to the Club Executive committee.

A spokesperson for the Church said, “We wanted to let the Executive know that our cash offer of $4,500,000.00 is still on the table. This, coupled with the opportunity for the Club to continue to use the premises for up to 2 years, offers the Club time to get established in a new venue.

We realise finding a suitable alternative site may be a challenge. To that end we let the Club know of a potential solution if they choose to sell the property to Surfside Church.

We own the properties at 34 and 36 Bow St (Matapihi Art Gallery and Foodbank). We also own 38 Bow St adjoining the Club car park. All of these properties are zoned commercial and could be made available to the Club to build new premises.

Because these properties are either adjoining or within easy walking distance, we would be willing to enter into an agreement with the Club regarding sharing the existing Club parking area. Our car park requirements being predominantly on a Sunday morning would complement yours rather than compete like a supermarket would.”

The spokesperson added, we would be looking to retain the existing Club building as it is a great community asset that would not only be well suited to our needs but could continue as a large venue for the wider community as well.

2 thoughts on “Alternative put to Club executive on sale of property

  1. This seems to be a great alternative to a Supermarket. The Surfside Church is a Community orientated organization and the site with it’s existing building would continue to serve a wider range of the community. Having a commercial piece of real estate at hand with direct access to the large car park is ideal. Hopefully the fish weigh station can remain and large fishing competitions as we have just recently seen them again can also be hosted in the future.with a price tag of 4.5 million Dollar and an estimated 2.2 -2.5 Million for a “new build” as well as some allowance to purchase the real estate off the Surfside Church, there should be still a substantial amount left over to invest for future development and return. This proposal does not have hidden and ongoing costs for corporate or joint management charges

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