Green Party News
The Green Party candidate for Taranaki King Country, Robert Moore, is underway with his campaign.
With less than three months until the election, Mr Moore, has been busy taking to the streets to talk to people about their issues and what the Green Party is offering this election.
“We are presented with a real opportunity this election to clean up politics and to be bold in delivering a real vision. We have experienced proven leadership and a great lineup of candidates this election. We are ready to implement the policies we know will deliver the change that our country needs. This is our time to change the government.” Mr Moore said.
Mr Moore is no stranger to politics, he has been involved in the party since 2009, and this is his third time as the Green Party candidate in Taranaki King Country.
“For me representing the Green Party is about demonstrating our vision, our values, our way of doing politics, and sharing this message across this electorate once more is an opportunity I am honoured to be given by my party.”
Mr Moore works in the social service sector as a community-based environmental and social justice researcher, organiser, and advocate, involved in a wide range of community networks, projects, and groups that strive for justice for planet and people. This makes the Green Party a natural fit with his values and worldview.
Moore has whakapapa to Tainui Awhiro in Whaingaroa and also Te Atiawa in Taranaki.
Mr Moore at 28, will most likely for the third time be the youngest candidate contesting the seat.
“When I think about the world that my generation and those younger than me will inherit, I don’t have faith that the direction we are on is going to leave a better world behind. And if our government isn’t investing in that better world, then we need to change the government, and we need the Greens at the table.”
“The Green Party vision for a cleaner environment, a fairer society, and a smarter economy, are things that all New Zealanders can get behind. I look forward to sharing this vision across Taranaki King Country this year.”
For more information:
Robert Moore, Green Party Taranaki King Country Candidate, 027 3648 346,,
Authorised by Gwen Shaw, Level 1, 17 Garrett Street, Wellington