First it was not being able to get a fencing contractor for love nor for money. Now it is rental accommodation. Meridian Energy’s wind farm project is providing an economic boost for Raglan. Dave Hanna of Raglan Real Estate says that he has no rental accommodation available and asks if any locals have a spare house for the next couple of years to get in touch. Two months ago there were over 30 Raglan long term rental properties listed on Trade Me property and now there are only five.
Meridian has also taken over the rest home in Norrie Ave for use as a single man’s hostel as the major civil engineering project of constructing roads around the wind farm gets underway. Already local hospitality businesses are reporting a lift in turnover from the wind farm workers. This is expected to increase when the 24 staff move into the project office. Meridian has been advertising for a Project Administrator for their Raglan development team and subcontractors have been advertising for security staff.
So all in all a strong stimulus for the Raglan economy for the next 18 months.