Photo exhibition at Raglan Library

Media Release: Waikato District Council, 26 May 2016

Youth photo exhibition shows Raglan creativity

A selection of the Rangatahi exhibition’s works on display currently at Raglan Library.
A selection of the Rangatahi exhibition’s works on display currently at Raglan Library.

A photographic exhibition currently displayed at Raglan Library is giving renowned photographer Mark Hamilton and the Rangatahi (youth) from around Raglan an opportunity to bring their work in front of their local community.

The Rangatahi photo exhibition features a key piece of work from Mark Hamilton and other photography by young people in the area. The idea for the exhibition came about after local photography tutor Maryanne Tuao held a youth photography workshop in December last year. She asked Raglan Library if they’d like to exhibit the works and library staff were happy to do so.

Raglan is a very creative community,” says Michael Edmonds, Waikato District Council’s Customer Delivery Team Leader – Raglan. “This exhibition reflects that and also fits in with Council’s values around youth engagement and supporting creative expression in a variety of forms.”

The Rangatahi photo exhibition will be on display at Raglan Library over the next few weeks. The library will also have items on display from the Council’s travelling ‘Suitcase Exhibition’ which will showcase local artworks referencing the spirit of Matariki (the Maaori New Year which is celebrated in June).

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