Another candidate announces bid for Waikato Mayoralty

Waikato District needs new style of leadership, says mayoral candidate

Wally Hayes - Image supplied
Wally Hayes – Image supplied

High profile, three term Councillor and Chair of Waikato District Council’s Infrastructure Committee, Wally Hayes is going for the top job, announcing today that he will be standing for Waikato District Mayor in the upcoming local body elections.

Mr Hayes says he is going to put all his energy and commitment into becoming Mayor, and will stand down as councillor for the Tamahere ward after nine years in the job.

“I have thought long and hard about what our district needs and it’s definitely time for positive change. Forward-thinking and connected leadership will take our district forward. The next three years are crucial for our district – we’ve got challenges and opportunities coming up on a range of fronts. Now, more than ever, we need good civic leaders.

“Our council’s reputation has been damaged by a string of incidents last year. Our credibility has taken a pounding and that has galvanised my resolve to stand. We need to turn that around. We need an inclusive, open and transparent Mayor. That’s what I will be if elected,” he says.

“I have already proven myself as a strong leader in the development of a growing Tamahere community. I have transformed the direction of Tamahere by my proposal to shut Newell Road at one end and create Wiremu Tamihana Drive and have worked closely with the community and Council to develop both the Tamahere Recreation Reserve and the exciting new Village Hub Development.

“Now it is the time for me to step up and apply my leadership skills and experience across the wider district. I know a lot of people want to see a culture change from our Council. I’m going to stand on my record of personal values, integrity, forward thinking and a strong commitment to getting things done” he says.

“I know I can make a difference. The timing feels right for a change – for me and the district. I firmly believe that timing is everything.

“Our district needs to connect with its communities better – and build really strong relationships with many different sectors in a trusted, respectful and professional manner. I will deliver this and in turn, together we will achieve more’’.

“I also have a real passion for customer service. It is my lifetime work. It is at the heart of why I stood as a councillor nine years ago after a career in leading world class customer service for Caltex for 10 years. I want to make it easier to do business with the Council and ensure residents are treated as valued customers,” says Mr Hayes.

For ,ore info contact: Waikato District Councillor Wally Hayes, telephone 027 2800131 and email

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