Apr 25: 100 years of ANZAC Day Services

ANZAC DAY 2016 marks 100 years for the observance of ANZAC Day in New Zealand.
In Raglan the RSA was founded in 1931. ANZAC Day services were well attended by R.S.A. members in the 1930’s with the Waikato Mounted Rifles also parading in uniform. Major J. A. D. Ritchie commanded some of these early parades. This year the Master of Ceremonies will be Saen O’Brien, the new RSA President, a retired NZ Army Major.

Personnel from the 161 Battery will be in attendance for ANZAC Day 2016
Personnel from the 161 Battery will be in attendance for ANZAC Day 2016

Personnel from 161 battery, the NZ Army unit with Freedom of the City of Raglan will be back in town for ANZAC Day 2016. As usual the RAGLAN COMMUNITY ANZAC PARADE & SERVICE will be at 11am at the Raglan Cenotaph in Bow Street, Raglan. Raglan and District RSA say that the Civic parade and service is for all the community. Guests will include Barbara Kuriger (MP for Taranaki/ King Country), Clint Baddeley (Waikato District Councillor), Rodger Gallagher (Chair of Raglan Arts Council and Raglan Museum) and Alan Vink (Chair of the Raglan Community Board).

The Parade will assemble in Wainui Road at 10.30am. Anzac Service at the Cenotaph at 11.00am. All service and ex-service personnel are welcome to join in. The service will be taken by Sean Ellison and Kathleen Gavin. Wreaths will be laid by laid at the cenotaph by local organisations.

Raglan Museum will be closed in the morning for the morning of ANZAC Day. It will open at noon to allow people to view its exhibition: World War One – Raglan Remembers.

Raglan Club will open its doors to the community following the service at the cenotaph. At its March meeting the Waikato District Council’s Discretionary and Funding Committee voted to allocate $1,800 to the Raglan Returned and Services Association to assist with the cost of the food served at the Raglan Club and running the annual Anzac Day parade and ceremony at the Bow Street cenotaph.


Contact for more information:
Noleen McCathie, Secretary, Raglan RSA
07 825 8521

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