Local food producers get together for a mini market

Lenny Prinz with his range of chilis, sauces, ketchup and organic drinks.
Lenny Prinz with his range of chilis, sauces, ketchup, mushrooms and organic drinks.

On Easter Saturday Raglan’s local food producers got together for a mini market in Electric Lane outside  WOK – Whaingaroa Organic Kai. The market ran from 10am to 1pm at the end of the lane off Wainui Road.

The local goodies available at the producers’ market included food items from Taaunga Kereru (Rick and Liz), True Food Granola (Abbie), Raglan Coconut Yoghurt (Latesha), Raglan Pies (Craig), Soul’s Vibration tonics, and Prinz Mushrooms (Lenny). Sarah from Sew Love was also on hand doing sewing. The WOK was open with its range organic food needs and will be open all days for the whole long weekend.

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