A sunny crisp weekend is forecast for Raglan. Winds will be from the south-east and less than 10 km/hr. After the very cold day on Wednesday 8th July when the daytime temperature in Raglan peaked at 9 degrees in early afternoon we can look forward to crisp mornings and sunny days. On Thursday the early morning temperature was 2.9 degrees at 7am. By early afternoon the temperature recorded by Raglan Weather peaked at 14 degrees. This morning Friday 10th has started the same way with a low of 3.2 degrees at 2am. The weekend will be much the same with frosts staying away from Raglan and afternoon temperatures in the mid teens with light winds.
So everything is looking good for the Matariki Bonfire on Saturday night at 6pm at the Domain. Followed by the Raglan Creative Market on Sunday 12th.