After the Sunday morning Te Hutewai 1 and the Repco Whaanga Coast 1 stages, cars pulled into the Raglan remote service in Wainui Road just outside Blacksand Cafe. Winner of the Whaanga Coast Stage was Peter Solberg in 21.27, placing him 3rd overall. Loeb came in 10th making him 4th overall with overall winner Sebastian Ogier coming 5th on this stage. Jari-Mati Latvala is placed second overall and came in 3rd on this stage. The first car was allowed into the pit area at 10.20am and was soon on its way again.
Click on arrow in black box for video clip of Peter Solberg arriving at the Raglan remote service in Wainui Road.
[flashvideo file=Videos/100509WRDCCitroenMVI_5535.flv /]
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