Parking areas and other improvements coming for James St – Image WDC Click on image for larger view
Civil Construction Services has started work on a roading and stormwater project for James St and Norrie Ave. To save costs the Waikato District Council packaged the two contracts together and called for tenders in July. Civil Construction Services was the successful tenderer. Work has started now on the James St project with the Norrie Ave project to follow early in 2015. Work on James Street of 220 metres will involve road rehabilitation, minor drainage improvements, and the construction of grass car parking areas on the berms. The Council describes the Norrie Avenue work as an ‘urban upgrade’.
Storm water pipes ready for installation in James St
A spokesperson for the Council said:
James Street contract has an expected completion date of 19 December 2014 with a contract value of $448,000.
Norrie Ave contract value is $180,730. This will begin in mid-January 2015 with an expected completion 20 February 2015.
So $629,00 of our rates being spent on this work. Good to see this work going ahead at last.
The Norrie Avenue work – Image WDC. Click on image for larger view