Katipo in Wainui Road

Angela busy in her shop on Saturday after Friday night's opening party.
Angela busy enjoying her new shop on Saturday after Friday night’s opening party.

Effervescent Raglan identity Angela Massey recently purchased the Hulk design store in Wainui Rd. On Friday night she held a party in the store and announced she was renaming it KATIPO.

Anglea had a sale over the weekend as on Monday 10th KATIPO closed to allow her to clear all stock out of the shop, ready for redecorating to start later in the week. Angela told Raglan 23 that the back wall of KATIPO will be painted red and the sidewall will be painted black and of course a lot of the stock will be red. She told us that she has a love affair with red and with spiders. With the katipo having a red back, that’s the reason for the new name.

A report on the party from Barbara Day:

Husk was renamed Katipo with a great party and lots of panache. A very big crowd of locals attended. There was a huge selection of quality wine served by two handsome French waiters. My Pat was judged best dressed man. He wore a smart cream jacket. A generous clump of kowhai leaves served as a buttonhole. I had greenstone jewellery…a minimal effort. It was really good. There were suitable nibbles…my deviled eggs first to disappear.

A huge black cake with an enormous Katipo on top was served after a short sharp speech by Angela who looked stunning in a vibrant red dress that really suited her..good effort all round….in the meantime a regular and heavy beat issued from adjoining yot club which is hosting the biggest sound system ever and a nice young Englishman as DJ…I had to ask him to turn it down for speeches.

The intrepid woman on the spot….Barbara

Once the redecorating is complete this week, the official opening and blessing of KATIPO will be on Friday 14th March. Angela hopes to see everybody there.

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