Do you Love Raglan the way it is?

Raglan Residents & Ratepayers have invited Waikato District Council staff to help provide the information required for making a Submission to validate your opinions on the future developments of Raglan.

“Rangitahi Land Company Private Plan Change 12” is a development of 500 dwellings, dairies, take away food, bottle stores, Hospitality services including cafes & taverns.

  7th December    2.00 pm

Supper Room Raglan Town Hall


  • Can you imagine the Raglan Township doubling in size but in a divided layout?
  • What will the effects be on the Raglan feel?
  • How will this affect you? Your family? Generations to come?  Your Raglan lifestyle?
  • Can the Raglan infrastructure cope with this type of Development?(Who will pay for the upgrade?)
  • Can the current Roading network cope? (Who will pay for this upgrade?)
  • What impact will this have on future Rates?

If you don’t make a submission

your voice won’t be heard!

It’s our chance to try and alter or shelve the Rangitahi Land Company Private Plan Changes.

All the concerns shared and best intentions won’t make this go away.

We can make plans to get around to filling in forms but often, it won’t happen/ will be too hard or we get busy and forget.

Come along to the town hall and let’s get our forms in!

Get the help to complete a submission form to have your opinion heard.

If you cannot attend please contact us to arrange a form for your submission.

Last day to submit your form is December 13th 2013

 Raglan Residents & Ratepayers Assoc.  

facebook\opotoru road protecting raglan character

 e-mail:                        07 825 8041


2 thoughts on “Do you Love Raglan the way it is?

  1. There are always positives and negatives to any proposition. The positives are that this development will be done to a high standard and there will be work for some local contractors. I can’t think of any positives though for the folk in Opotoru Rd. The job of the commissioner is to weigh up the positives and negatives overall.

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