Whaanga Coast Wastewater Scheme ready to start

1301102WasteWaterOver recent years Waikato District Council and Whaanga Coast property owners have discussed the public health issues and potential environmental impact for Whaanga Coast and surrounding communities as a result of on-site wastewater disposal systems. With support for the project confirmed it will be starting soon and The Waikato Council will be providing monthly updates to property owners. This article is based on the first update. The full November newsletter can be downloaded here.

The contractor
Hamilton based company Spartan Construction has been awarded the contract for this project with their base set up near the Raglan Wastewater Treatment Plant on Wainui Road. While Council will provide regular information to you about the overall project including the timeline, at different times Spartan Construction may need to work with you directly. If this is the case, you’ll be given plenty of notice and meetings will be at a mutually agreed time.
For more information on Spartan Construction visit their website www.spartanconstruction.co.nz.

The timeline
The project is scheduled to take 18 weeks from Friday 1 November through until the end of March 2014. Work will start near the Raglan Wastewater Treatment Plant and continue along Wainui Road. We want to keep disruptions in the community to a minimum during this project so we’ve included a ‘stop work’ phase across the Christmas and New Year holiday period. All construction will stop between Friday 20 December 2013 until Sunday 12 January 2014 and the area will be returned to its original state.

The construction
Stage 1
The first stage of work involves drilling underground and installing the main pipelines. Wainui Road and Whaanga Road will remain open at all times however traffic management systems will be in place and at various times traffic may be down to one lane. Motorists are urged to take care in the area.
Stage 2
Stage two is the construction of the booster pump station which will help transport the waste to the treatment plant (late November). This is followed by the installation of pipework and pump systems to individual households who have joined the scheme and is scheduled for January 2014.

If you have any queries about the project, the timeline or the Council subsidy please contact our project team.

Phone: 0800 492 452
Email: WhaangaCoast.Scheme@waidc.govt.nz

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