It’s official Raglan and other parts of Waikato District have lowest voter turnout

Local Government NZ says that as anticipated, total voter turnout in the Local Government election has declined in 2013 and the national voter turnout is 41.3 per cent. For Raglan and Waikato the voter turnout dropped by 3% from Waikato District’s 34% in 2010 to just 31% this year.

Gavin Ion- Hopes it will be better next time. Image WDC
Gavin Ion- Hopes it will be better next time. Image WDC

Raglan 23 asked Waikato District Council Chief Executive Gavin Ion why this had happened with only just over one person in four voting. Mr Ion said: “Voter turnouts in the recent elections were down across the whole country and Waikato District was no exception. While this year we did record a 31 per cent voter turnout, compared to 41 per cent nationally, the 3 per cent fall on 2010 returns was less of a drop in turnout than what many other councils experienced across the country.

“We did promote the elections and voting through our website, Facebook page, media releases and in our Link newsletter to residents, but at the end of the day low voter turnout is an issue for the whole country. The Minister of Local Government has announced a working party to explore on-line voting for the 2016 local elections and Local Government New Zealand has said it will also be looking at what can be done to lift voter numbers in future – and I am hopeful of positive outcomes from these.”


For Raglan and the rest of the Waikato District to continue to have the lowest voter turn out in New Zealand is shameful. It speaks volumes to the lack of engagement of this Council with the District’s voters. It is unlikely that the CEO’s suggestion of online voting would lift voters numbers by anything more than a few percent.

Mayor Sanson and the incoming Council need to take decisive actions now that will lift voter numbers at the next election. The highest turnout was in Wanganui District with 59%.  It would be a simple matter for the Council to give this some focus by linking 25% of the CEO’s bonus to improving voter turnout.  Set the bonus at zero for the current 31% turnout, pay half of the bonus if he achieves a 41% voter turnout and only pay it all out if he can match Wanganui on 59%.

Rodger Gallagher

One thought on “It’s official Raglan and other parts of Waikato District have lowest voter turnout

  1. This is the second election in a row with WDC the lowest in the country. Otorohanga was the next lowest in 2010 (36%), but this year was up to 46%. WDC voters have too little information. We never hear how our councillor, Clint, voted at council and only get brief outlines of what’s happening. For example, on issues like water meters, or allowing more decisions to be made by community boards, did he vote for, or protest? I suggest the new Community Board might start putting a report on most council and committee meetings on Raglan23 and in the Chronicle.

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