Mayor Allan Sanson announces Waikato District’s draft plan and says it does contain some changes

Media Release: Waikato District Council

WaiDCLogoWaikato District ratepayers and residents can make their voice heard from today 2nd April 2013, with the opening of consultation for Year Two of the Long Term Plan (draft Annual Plan 2013-14).  Consultation closes Monday, 6 May 2013.

Mayor Allan Sanson says the draft plan does contain some changes from the second year of the Long Term Plan, but the changes have been brought about by events throughout the year.

 “In the Long Term Plan, we set a strategic direction which was guided by firm principles which we have maintained in this plan as well. Our priorities focus on affordability and maintaining what we have, and you will see this reflected in this draft plan,” Mayor Sanson says.

 “We’re keen to see people read the plan, and make submissions on it. We really want to see Waikato district residents and ratepayers get into the spirit of this consultation, to tell us their views so we can make our decisions based on informed feedback about what matters to them.

 “We know that people lead busy lives and the summary which will be distributed throughout the district will help them get to the core issues within the draft plan. Of course, the full document is also available at our office in Ngaruawahia, our service centres and libraries and we would know that we’d really hit the mark if we ran out of the main document because of demand!”

Both the summary and the full document are available on the council’s website The submission forms are also on line ( as a way of making it easier for people to make their submissions.

Key draft Annual Plan consultation items include:

  • Reduction in the proposed general rate increase from 2.37 per cent in the second year of the Long Term Plan, to 1.87 per cent in the draft Annual Plan. 
  • The council proposes putting more money towards its Disaster Recovery Fund.
  • Targeted rate increases are proposed to go up by more than identified in the LTP for some halls, raglan recycling and district-wide refuse collection.
    • A new forestry targeted rate is proposed to help fund the maintenance of rural roads affected by the heavy vehicles servicing the forestry harvest.
    • A grant of up to $15,000 is proposed for the Raglan Chamber of Commerce to help fund a Sunday bus service.
    • Changes are proposed to grants and donations, with $20,000 proposed to be put aside for possible Annual Plan grants. People will be able to make submissions on the types of grants and donations that should be made and the benefit they provide to the community.
    • Some fees and charges are proposed to change.

4 thoughts on “Mayor Allan Sanson announces Waikato District’s draft plan and says it does contain some changes

  1. It would be good to attend a workshop for the community on the proposed plan changes. Will the Community Board be having someone from the District Council to point out how the changes will affect Raglan and its residents?

  2. I see on the website that WDC is holding a meeting in Raglan. Will look forward to attending.

    Where: Raglan Town Hall Supper Room
    When: Thursday 18 April – 7pm

  3. With substantial developments outlined in latest Chronicle and past conflicts and community costs re sewerage disposal what is proposed here and who is going to pay? Water supply? Solar power subsidies? Waste disposal? Roading etc ..await further information from Cr Badderly and response of interest groups around this plan. Perhaps an intensive organic milk operation might better serve the employment and health needs of the Ward? Lot cheaper for ratepayers.

  4. Further to previous comment the Waikato District’s Plan certainly does “contain some changes” and some of us in the Raglan community would appreciate the economic costs and benefits to be elaborated, particularly with respect to rating charges which are excessive compared with Hamilton. Am sure Mayor Sanson can manage to do this for us….pronto.

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